Does your dog stress you out with unwanted behaviors, such as jumping up on visitors or having frequent accidents in the house? If you spot these behaviors early, you can teach your dog better manners with the right dog training program. You just need to evaluate the behavior of your dog to identify and follow a suitable training plan to achieve your goals!

Frequent Accidents in the House
You can only call your dog reliably house-trained once all potty accidents are a thing of the past. Any urination or defecation in the house may indicate the need for a training program. In addition to the obvious, look for signs of marking on clothing, rugs and other materials to determine if your dog needs additional support in learning to successfully potty outside.
Poor House Manners
Excessive barking, jumping on furniture, counter surfing and other problematic behaviors can turn your peaceful household into a place of pure chaos. If you find yourself constantly correcting your dog for poor house manners, it might be time to start a formative training plan.
Constant Leash Pulling
Without adequate training, dogs will typically pull or lunge on the leash, making daily walks not as peaceful as you hoped. The behavior not only stresses and strains you, but also poses a safety risk for you, your dog and everyone around you. A good training plan will have your dog walking at a steady pace by your side, even in the event of distractions.
Jumping Up on People
Perhaps nothing is more irritating to visitors than a dog that constantly jumps up. Furthermore, your dog jumping and putting paws up on people could cause a fall or other serious injury. Training can teach your dog to sit or stand still and wait for attention, rather than demand it.
Any Show of Aggression
A show of aggression toward people or animals is a serious sign that your dog needs immediate training to prevent a bite incident. Watch your dog for signs of discomfort with interactions, such as:
Raised hackles
Showing teeth
Barking aggressively
If your dog shows aggression at any time, remove your canine from the situation immediately and avoid similar interactions until you can complete a thorough training program.
Need Extra Help?
When caught early, problem behaviors like the ones above can be corrected with the right training approach. To get a free quote for professional dog training in Orange, Riverside, San Diego or Los Angeles county, contact us today at 760-877-9837!